

Mainstream educators seem to be taught 3 things about Native students and then they think they are done. All good. (1) They don’t make eye contact, (2) They are quiet, (3) They are visual learners.

I’m not going to get into the first 2 over-generalizations right now, only the 3rd. So, yes, we do like to look at pretty things. Everybody does. When you can really see something rather than just read about it, it does come alive. Things are so much more appealing when you can actually see them. So why don’t we apply the same logic to our food?

How many of you have “Tupperware” that looks like the image above? And yes, just like my post about hoarding, I know this is born out of poverty, too. But if you can afford to buy an iPhone or a tablet to read this blog, you need to invest $40 is some nice see-thru glass food storage. Seriously. Something like this 24 piece set will change your life.

I kept some of the plastic “Tupperware” to use when I give food away but not to put leftovers into the refrigerator. When anyone opens your icebox door, and you are fortunate to have food, their response should never be, “we don’t have anything to eat.” Make it visually appealing and people will make better choices. It should not be an Easter egg hunt, opening every container to see what’s inside.

That goes for countertops too. Put the clutter away and have easy to open glass containers with almonds and pecans and dried cranberries or raisins. Glass jars with lids are at Dollar Tree. You can buy 3 for less than the price of on Big Mac. Don’t make it harder than it needs to be. Make it easy to snack throughout the day so you want get hangry and grab your kid’s lunch meat.

Also in "Discoveries"
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