
Winter One Pot Wonder

Spitting snow flakes this evening and I wanted comfort food but craving something spicy. I love Cajun food but can’t eat hardly any of it because it house flour in it. If you are trying to avoid gluten/wheat, you’ll soon realize that most soups that you eat at a restaurant use flour to thicken, and […]

A Very Grand (Canyon) Experience

Back in August, I shared a training journey embarked upon by a few students, staff and faculty from the Indian Legal Program at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Arizona State University. The goal? Hike the Grand Canyon, rim to rim, in one day. October 1, 2022. Spoiler alert: we did it! Everyone made […]

Pedal to the Metal

I had my first automobile accident at six. As the driver. That’s right – 6 years old. A beater pickup on my grandpa’s farm near Ft. Gibson, Cherokee Nation. I sat on a small metal toolbox on the edge of the seat. This enabled me to see over the steering wheel and gave me the […]

Independence Day: Me and America on Ice

  About 6 weeks ago, I had a tangle with a small step ladder. It won. From roughly Memorial Day to the Fourth of July, I had to stay off my dominant foot. For the bulk of that time, I wore a hardly-sexy and totally-stifling aircast boot. Then last week, when my foot was almost […]

Half-Time Locker Room Talk

It’s Day 15 of the challenge that I posted about here, so I’m sharing my observations. The deal was to run/walk just 1 mile a day, everyday, for 30 days. When I played basketball, half time was always interesting. There was no way of accurately predicting whether good coach, mean coach, cheerleader coach or crazy […]

Thyroid + 12 Years of No (Real) Bread

Stacy Leeds (Cherokee Nation) | Age 50 | Tahlequah | Part Two ᏔᎵ |

Stacy Leeds (Cherokee Nation) | Age 50 | Tahlequah | Part Two ᏔᎵ | I launched IndigenousWell one year ago this month and laid out my (un)healthy story for the world to see. It was a doozy. Since then, 24 of my friends/colleagues have generously shared their own health journeys along with their wisdom and […]

Experiment: 30 days, 1 mile a day

I am a slow runner. I have a love-hate relationship with running. Over the last 25 years, I have clocked 2 full marathons (really slow) and countless half marathons (still slow) and many 5Ks and 10ks (not as slow) – but I don’t really love it. I do know it’s really good for me and […]

On Becoming “That” Ol’ Lady

It’s been over a year since this blog was first launched. My wellness routine had it’s fits and starts, just like my writing spirts. Always cyclical, and sometimes for good reason. Cholestrol + blood pressure hit an all-time low around last April and then it crept up a little, but it’s still out of the […]

Asterisk This

The luxury of sipping morning coffee in a quiet house. With a roaring fire cracking in the fireplace, I look out the window at the frosty ground and the pink-ish color that remains on the river after the sunrise. It’s hard to find any fault with the world from this hill in the heart of […]

Lazy Dinners

For the “don’t feel like cooking” evenings, I keep several cheater options in the pantry. Need something cheesy in taste and texture but need it to be dairy free and gluten free? This is the combo. Believe it or not, crushed cashews taste like cheesy goodness. Zero cholestrol. Only 5g of carbs in the sauce. […]