
Beans, Rice + Blue Zones

  A few years ago, we had the good fortune to travel to Costa Rica on a family trip and that’s when I first began to learn about Blue Zones – a few places around the globe where people live a really long time. In Costa Rica, the Nicoya Peninsula is such a place – […]


One of the stranger “discoveries” in my last year has been juicing. That’s right, the process of extracting juice from fruits, vegetables and tubers and then eating that exclusivley for a few days. My friend Corey turned me on to this and she can elaborate on her amazing story later, but I’ve settled on making […]

Worth the Money: One

When I get push back or skeptisism about going mostly plant-based it’s predictably two things: (1) “How will you ever get enough protein?” (2) “Must be nice, but that’s too expensive for us.” Those two responses are as predictable as a total stranger telling you about their Cherokee princess great granny but she “got off” […]

On the Road Again

I love Will Nelson. His songs speak to so many of my truths. As we start the 9th month of COVID response, I really miss travel “and I can’t wait to get on the road again.” I am a traveler. International. Domestic. Backroads. All of it. Arkansas’s legendary Senator Fulbright was flawed in many ways […]

Sooooo Good Lookin’

  Mainstream educators seem to be taught 3 things about Native students and then they think they are done. All good. (1) They don’t make eye contact, (2) They are quiet, (3) They are visual learners. I’m not going to get into the first 2 over-generalizations right now, only the 3rd. So, yes, we do […]

Know When to Hold ‘Em and Fold ‘Em

You might notice that my food posts are on various different plates. These dishes belonged to my great-granny, my grandmas (both sides) and my auntie. It’s off-personality that I kept them. I’m a notorious anti-hoarder. I come from a family of folks who like to keep things around “just in case” we might need them. […]

What Foods Are Indigenous? And, Mansplaining

My husband is an old ᎤᏁᎬ (white) guy who grew up in the Arkansas delta. You’d think graduating from a school called Osceola High, he’d know a little more about Natives. Like many Americans, when it comes to Indigenous history and contributions, he starts stupid arguments with Indigenous people (actually only with me) and then […]

Indigenous Food + Native-Owned Bookstores

In the one of the January health stories, Devon Mihesuah (Choctaw) was featured. She won the 2020 Gourmand World Cookbook Award Winner of the Gourmand International World Cookbook Award, for the newest edition of Recovering Our Ancestors’ Gardens and that link is to BirchBark Books. Devon’s book includes new recipes including a lima bean hummus […]

Things We “Discovered”

Most of the contributors to this website, are the great grandkids (several times over) of people and Nations that were “discovered” to be very much alive and well in this hemisphere in 1492 and before. Those Indigenous people, like these contributors, were agriculturist, philosophers, advocates, healers, scholars, artists, and everyday people, just living their lives. […]