
Frozen Pipes + Sweet Fried Potatoes

The past 2 days have been North Dakota cold, but in Oklahoma. We were up at 3:30 a.m. today, with no power and -15 degrees outside. We are the really lucky ones. A naturally well-insulated log home, plenty of wood ready to burn in a nice fireplace, blankets and good gear. Depsite panic to the […]

Veg Chili: Satiates Meat Eaters Too

Another great recipe courtesy of the incomparable Susan Plumb Chapman (Cherokee). For her prior recipe and a few details about Susan, click here. The “real fee” temperate in Tahlequah is -8 degrees right now – on Valentine’s Day. We don’t do -8 degrees very often here, but when we do, everyone has a big pot […]

Healthy Chocolate Frosting

Yesterday, I saw a FB post from one of my more beloved snarky friends from the Northern Plains. To narrow it down a bit further, his tribe has a small reservation in northern North Dakota, I’ve always been impressed with how that reservation punches so far above it’s weight, in the production of artists, intellectuals […]

Horse Mats + Home Gyms

One on hand, living in rural areas can make it harder to get in a good workout. Driving to the small town gym can be a 20 min drive each way, if you are lucky. On some reservations, it’s a several hours roundtrip just to get to a Walmart. On the other hand, if you […]

Local Deer Meat + Tom Brady

  Yesterday I made an exception to my mostly “no meat” deal and had a dinner that was home delivered by my ol’ friend Troy Sanford (Cherokee). I mean, if a man in overalls shows up on your porch with an entire meal he prepared for you and your family, you gladly take it and […]

Stuffed Peppers with Leftover Whatever

Remember the Red Rice Rendezvous from the other night? It makes for wonderful contents for the inside of baked stuff bell peppers – a leftover gem. Reduces food waste and adds new life to a dish from a night or two ago. Simply cut a bell pepper in half, load it with the leftovers. In […]

Hardly Basic Susan’s, Basic Bean Salad

Talking my friends into sharing their health stories and their favorite go-to recipes is cathartic. It also reminds me of just how many amazing women I get to engage with at home and across the country. I am rich in personal connections and I’m so proud to highlight as many (cool and (mostly)) Indigenous women […]

Inaugural Pulp + Circumstance

What food should fuel a day of watching the U.S. presidential festivities while also getting some work done around the house? Yummy comfort food, that minimizes food waste and of course, is gluten-free and plant-based. Carrot Waffles Mix up: 1 cup of gluten-free flour baking mix, 1 heaping table spoon of baking soda, 1/3 cup […]

Conference Featuring Indigenous Women Chefs

For more information and to register for this free online event: click here. The is one of the many amazing projects supported by Shakopee’s long-term campaign Seeds of Native Health and this time along with University of Minnesota’s Healthy Food, Healthy Lives Institute. The dates are February 9, March 9, April 13, May 11, June […]

Plant-Based Breakfast Sandwich

Yesterday’s post about new takes on the old weekend breakfasts caused something dreadful to happen: it made me crave sausage and bacon. When I went mostly vegan many things changed but I’ll highlight two: (1) my tastebuds refreshed themselves (they are on overdrive drive and I can taste foods in a much more robust way), […]